News about May 2, 2012 event for Clear Blue Sky.
We, your Dinner and a Cause Team, would like to say Loud and Clear,  YOU ALL ARE FANTASTIC!!!   We cannot thank you enough for your generosity and attending our last event for Clear Blue Sky at the Caribbean Fish Market.
Just in time, when Clear Blue Sky was struggling, you all came to the rescue and helped us raise $7,220.  Yes, I said $7,220!  You should all be so proud of yourselves!  This is an amazing number and we are thrilled.
We want go give a huge thank you to Zack Zoller, Jeff and Judi Kromenhoek and James Dixon, the owners and management of the Caribbean Fish Market for being such fabulous hosts of our event.  With a special thank you to Jessica Hume, their wonderful event planner.  If it were not for the generosity of many of our local restaurants, like Caribbean Fish Market, it would be a lot more difficult for us to create the spectacular events that we do, and helping our less fortunate neighbors.
The funds that were collected mean the world to Arlene, Luz and their amazing staff.  It was the biggest part of Arlene’s dream to acquire Villa Fairview, and finally have a place for the Clubhouse and what will eventually be a permanent home for anyone and everyone with mental disabilities.  The next phase of the dream is to have it actually ready for residents to move in.   That is going to take a lot of money, but also a lot of elbow grease.  If any of you would like to help Arlene, donating your time would be a great way to help her achieve her dream.  You can do this in a number of ways:

• If you are a contractor, maybe you can donate a little time to help her get the building ready.
• Sewing curtains
• Helping with their gently used shop.
• Painting
• Gardening
There are many things that must be done before they can actually make a home for the many homeless, mentally disabled people on our island.  If we could all pitch in with a little time and labor, it could be a reality in no time.
Kevin Quails and Scott Bradley, from My Brother’s Workshop, have been making plans to organize and use volunteer manpower for many projects.  When they are ready, we will send out an email to let you know dates of these projects.  In the meantime, there are a lot of smaller projects on the calendar. If you want to contact Arlene at 340-774-9688.  My mother always said, “Many hands make light work”.
As always, we want to thank each and every one of you.  If it were not for you, Dinner and a Cause would not exist.  We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and generosity.
Your dinner and a Cause Team,
Suzanne, Eula, Kristy, Pam, Joanie, Rhea and Letty 
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